Wedding Rings on Top of Book

God can, he will, and he wants to!

Join our Pray for ​marriage evening on ​OCTOBER 29, 2024!

At House of Kingdom Marriage we are dedicated to empowering unmarried men and women in Los Angeles to discover their true identity in Christ, prioritizing God above culture. We focus on transforming mindsets and strengthening faith. We envision a future where individuals “Seek ye first the kingdom of God..” in their pursuit of their God-ordained spouse. Join us on this transformative journey towards God’s divine plan for love and relationships.

We are a proud division of the Hollywood Prayer Network

what we do at HKM

Do you believe that God wants YOU to find love and ​companionship in marriage? Are you weary of the endless ​pursuit and societal pressures of finding your mate?

Say goodbye to dating coaches, dating apps, and ​conventional dating norms. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide ​you to your spouse. If you're ready to embrace faith and ​surrender control, join us for our Pray for Marriage nights.​

Handwritten Bible quote

Together, we gather with purpose to pray for divine connections and to inspire each other to trust in the ​extraordinary possibilities that God has in store for each of us. Let's believe in the power of God to bring forth ​miraculous unions and witness the wonders that ONLY He can orchestrate in our lives.

House of Kingdom Marriage curates monthly nights of prayer and quarterly gatherings to serve the ​Christian Singles Community of Los Angeles. Through intentional prayer we aim to break any strongholds ​preventing Godly singles from finding one another in marriage, and embolden our attendees with faith in God ​that all things are possible to those who believe.

Our evenings are specifically designed to address:

-Past hurt, wounds and disappointment

-For your future spouse to be prepared for you

-For you to be prepared for your future spouse

We are not a singles ministry. We are a marriage ministry.

Our goal is not better Christian dating, it is God-ordained marriages.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

everything is possible for

the one who believes.

Mark 9:23


Our vision is to empower unmarried individuals to discover their true identity in Christ, leading to transformed mindsets, altered practices of operating in singleness, and strengthened faith. Through the power of prayer and revelation, we aim to usher in fulfilling Kingdom Marriages that reflect God’s divine plan for each individual.


We aim to cultivate a community of prayer and spiritual guidance for unmarried men and women, fostering within them a pursuit of God, ensuring that His presence guides every union, thus leading to their destined

Kingdom Marriages.

It is not good for the man to be alone. Therefore, I will fashion a suitable partner to be his help and strength.

Genesis 2:18

Brown Mountain

what we believe at HKM

We believe in the God of the impossible. We employ a God-Centered Philosophy.

Statement of Faith
We believe in the triune nature of the one true God as Father Son and Holy Spirit the bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and His imminent return to claim His church Though we favor no denomination over another we are followers of Christ born again working to cultivate the fruits of the Spirit in our lives and pursuing a more personal relationship with God We believe that it is by grace through faith in Jesus that we are saved We are dedicated to living working and praying with our brothers and sisters according to the example given to us in the Bible the Word of God


MaTTHEW 17:20

White Flower Field

Sow into our ministry

Thank you for considering a donation to our prayer ministry. Your generous contribution ​helps deepen individuals' intimacy with Jesus and supports our mission to host transformative ​prayer nights for singles, fostering both healing and hope.

By partnering with us, you play a vital role in creating these meaningful experiences. Your ​support allows us to organize and execute these events, manage extensive communications, ​and fairly compensate those who lend their talents to our organization. Together, we can ​continue to offer enriching and impactful opportunities for our community.

*Please note that this donation is not tax-deductible. We deeply appreciate your generosity ​and commitment to our ministry.

Stack of books

get in touch

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Male and Female Wedding Shoes on White Background
Candle with Gypsophila Flower


Who can attend?:

Our prayer nights and community gatherings are open to all those seeking prayer for a future marriage. We welcome all ages 20-75 whether single, divorced, or widowed.

What you can expect from attending a prayer night:

Prepare for a profound encounter with the Holy Spirit. Our events are thoughtfully ​crafted to immerse you in the presence of the Lord from the moment you arrive until ​your departure. Approach with an open and pure heart, and take your homework ​seriously—it will be provided a week in advance. This preparation is crucial for spiritual ​healing and revelation, offering you valuable resources and a head start in cleansing ​your spiritual life. Be ready to engage in prayer with and for your peers, and embrace the ​private prayers offered by married couples.

What we are NOT:

Our event is not your typical dating service or coach. We’re not here to offer tips or tricks for ​attracting the opposite sex, and you don’t need to change a thing about yourself. Our focus is on ​healing trauma and brokenness through the Word of God, preparing you for marriage as you ​are, right now. We aim to elevate your approach to dating by allowing the Holy Spirit to ​transform your mindset and guide you—trust us, He’s got it covered!

This isn’t a mingling space or a venue for flirting and hook-up culture. Come ready to connect ​with the Holy Spirit and let Him do the work.

How do I submit to attend an event?

Please fill out an application here:

Why is there a submission process?

At this time, our current space limitations prevent us from accommodating all individuals who ​wish to participate. Our small group size is intentionally designed to foster an intimate prayer ​experience, allowing participants to engage deeply without distractions.

It is important to note that not everyone may be seeking or ready for marriage. Some individuals ​may be content with dating and not actively pursuing marriage. Through a thoughtful and ​prayerful selection process, we carefully choose individuals who we believe will contribute ​positively to our community. Our goal is to cultivate meaningful relationships and a sense of ​community within our small group prayer setting.

I’ve registered and heard nothing back! What’s going on?

Given the intimate size of our venue, we are currently able to accommodate only 20 men and 20 ​women. We kindly ask for your patience as we strive to prioritize those who were unable to ​attend in previous months. Rest assured, you will receive a notification once a spot becomes ​available for you. Please refrain from submitting multiple requests. We are committed to ​accommodating everyone to the best of our ability and appreciate your understanding.

I attended last month and want to come again. How can I get on the list?

Thank you for joining us at a prayer night in the past! You are now part of our exclusive ​monthly email list, so there's no need to submit a new request. Rest assured, we send a monthly ​email to all past attendees, first to respond, gets the spot! In addition, we have last-minute ​cancellations, and we prioritize contacting those on our past attendee list. We appreciate your ​continued support and look forward to connecting with you at our upcoming events!

Will you be live-streaming or offering Zoom for your Prayer Nights?

We currently have no intentions to broadcast these events live or host them via Zoom. Given ​the intimacy of these gatherings, they entail the sharing of personal and private anecdotes, as ​well as the posing of sensitive inquiries. We uphold a sacred space for such interactions during ​these occasions, and it would not be fitting to extend this to a live or Zoom platform. Exciting ​news: we are in the process of expanding to the OC, so do stay tuned for opportunities to partake ​in our events there.

I saw someone I liked at your event. Can I ask for their information? Will you be ​sending out everyone’s information so we can connect?

Great question! Scriptures states “When a man finds a wife, he has found a treasure!”

Proverbs 18:22 TPT. Men, be bold in your endeavors. Women be honest in your response of ​interest. No games. We are not matchmakers nor in the business of coordinating information ​exchanges. If you find someone you're interested in, feel free to engage with them in the ​community and be courageous! Politely ask for their email or social media contact. We kindly ​request that you approach these interactions with mindfulness, We do not support a ​polyamorous culture. Until a woman is your wife, she is your sister in Christ. We expect men​ who attend our events to uphold a culture of honor. Our prayer nights are meant for spiritual ​reflection and support, however, you may just meet someone who piques your interest!

I want to volunteer! How can I do this?

We appreciate your interest in volunteering! Your support is invaluable to us. Please reach out ​to us via email at to inquire about volunteer opportunities and how you can ​get involved. We look forward to hearing from you and working together to make a positive ​impact.

My buddy just started dating someone and he is not sure if it is a good fit. Can he ​come ​to a prayer night?

We welcome individuals who are in an exclusive dating relationship in our Prayer Nights. On ​our application form, you will find a specific option under the question: "Are you Dating ​Someone - 'Yes, waiting to see if they are the one'." We highly encourage these individuals to ​submit their applications, as it is crucial to seek God's guidance in relationships to avoid ​unnecessary challenges or potential relationship difficulties that may arise from pursuing a ​connection not ordained by God.

Ho​w can we pray for HKM?

We humbly ask for your prayers as we seek a larger house to serve as our operational base. We ​are in search of an intimate space that can accommodate the personal nature of our prayer ​gatherings. Ideally, we envision a house with many rooms and a spacious yard that ca​n accommodate 100 people. The testimonials of breakthroughs we have received inspire us t​o create a safe and nurturing environment where singles can feel comfortable being vulnerable​. Your prayers and support in this endeavor are greatly appreciated as we strive to continu​e fostering a welcoming and supportive community​.

Don’t see the answer to your question? Email